
May 8, 2015

L or Learning

Have you ever made a list of what all things you would like to learn in your life? Yeah, I am back in the Bullet-shooting-form for the post but isn't it interesting to put things on the paper which you always wanted to learn?

  • Swimming. The most dreading activity of all time, I feel. More than the activity I am afraid of the chlorinated water and rashes - tanning which comes with it free of charge. Someday.
  • Driving a four wheeler. I love cars and independence comes with it. I also know basics. The only thing I need to pick is to learn how to drive every single day. This comes from a person who has worked in the Automotive Industry. Sad na?
  • Zumba certification. I can dance and all. Learning it in properly planned course is entirely a different ball game. This is now-not-so-secret wish but life is there!
  • Embroidery. This comes as a regret as I never learnt this from my grandmother who was a champion and always wanted me to do it. I was too tomboyish to focus. Now when I see such skills disappearing from the household, I want to cling on to it.
  • Yoga and Yogmala. I want to learn it from teachers sitting there in Rishikesh. The yoga retreat which is costly now a days but being in India definitely makes it doable! 
  • Moon walking!! Needless to say, that one steps can make people's eye balls expand like balloons! 
  • The last one, I want to make tea exactly like my Singapore roomie - who made tea for so many months, every day, every night - whenever exams were going on or my cold got worst than Narmada damn water out flow in Singapore. She knows the art of real tea making. This comes from a person who makes the unique Adarakhwali chai pretty nice in texture and taste now.
Have you ever tried making such a list?

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